Friday, May 5, 2017

Resume assignment (for graduation)

Example resume:

Follow these instructions from Ms. Kokes and send your resume to me:

So, to get there – students:
-          Log into Naviance using their email address as “username” and then put in their “password” which is either their own special password or their student ID.  If they have problems logging in tomorrow, send them to their counselor who can re-set things.  (I’ll be out tomorrow but back Monday and can help in this regard too).
-          Click on the “My Planner” tab
-          Click on the purple “Tasks Assigned to Me”
-          Click on “Resum” and voila
New this year – they do NOT need to upload their resumes.  Naviance is not talking to Synergy so now all I need is the list from you of who has met the rubric and completed their resume.  Then I will mark them complete in Synergy and their transcript will reflect that a day later.

my tasks > 2017 Resume Requirement
task information
Apr 30-May 15, 2017
resume is a job search tool. Because the purpose of a resume is to help you obtain a job interview, this document should be a positive and accurate presentation of your skills, accomplishments, education and experiences. You may also use a resume in scholarship competitions, college admissions or when asking for a letter of recommendation. All PPS students complete a resume prior to graduation.
You may meet this graduation requirement in one of two ways.
  1. Build a resume using Naviance's resume tool.
  2. Upload the resume you created on your own, in class or a Resume Workshop into Naviance.
Your one-page resume should include these categories of information:
  • Your name and contact information
  • Objective
  • Education
  • Your choice of two or more additional categories such as  Work Experience,Volunteer Service, Skills, Academic Achievement, Extracurricular Activities, Leadership, References, Awards, Certificates, etc.
 1. The Naviance resume can be a great way to document your activities, accomplishments, honors, and work experience for teachers and counselors who you may ask for a reference letter.  The Naviance resume meets the PPS diploma requirement. Go to the "about me" tab and open the "resume" tool to get started.
2. Your Government/Economics teachers will assign resume writing in class.  If you already have a resume, this will be the time to add to it/finesse it.  If you don't have one you will craft it then per your teacher's instruction.  If you would like to get a start on it, stop by the College and Career Center for help designing an effective resume for job search and uploading it to Naviance.

Have a resume already? Review it to make sure it includes the necessary categories listed above then upload your document by following these steps.
  1. Click on the upload files link in the left-hand column.
  2. Browse for your resume document on your computer.
  3. In Description include the word resume and the date of your upload.
  4. Click upload to attach your resume to your Naviance account.
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Your school's Career Coordinator, Mrs. Kokes, will review your resume using the attached scoring guide. They will mark the requirement as complete or let you know if you need to make revisions to meet the resume writing standards. You can upload a revised resume using the same process as above.

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