Friday, October 25, 2013

Polling and 2012 election demographics

Push polls
Republican Jewish Coalition against Obama:

McCain's family photo from the 2000 Republican primary:

Quotes from 2000 Republican primary push poll: "Would you be more likely or less likely to vote for John McCain for president if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?"

"John McCain calls the campaign finance system corrupt, but as chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, he raises money and travels on the private jets of corporations with legislative proposals before his committee. In view of this, are you much more likely to vote for him, somewhat more likely to vote for him, somewhat more likely to vote against him or much more likely to vote against him?"

Congress less popular than cockroaches:

Congress approval rating yearly average is at an all-time low:

GMO labeling polling at 93% in favor:

Universal background checks for purchasing firearms:

Legalization of marijuana at all-time high:

2012 election demographics

Tables, charts, and graphs:

Pop culture affecting election outcomes
Bush v. Gore:

Obama v. McCain:

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