Friday, October 14, 2016

Unit 3 - current events and supplemental readings

This one is required:

"How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind" -

The rest of these are not required readings.  They're just really interesting and really good, and a lot of them are about stuff that's happening right now.  If you want to know more about any of the following topics, take a look.  I will continue adding to the bottom of this post as the unit goes on.

ADDED Oct. 14

Election media coverage
CNN's Trump problem -

Prosecution of media figures
Amy Goodman in South Dakota - and

James Risen -

Trump and dog whistle politics

Political culture in America

"Are women people?" -

"Dangerous idiots: how the liberal media elite failed working class Americans" -

"Finally.  Someone who thinks like me" -

This whole series (Anxious In America) by the New York Times is fantastic:

"Torn Over Donald Trump and Cut Off by Culture Wars, Evangelicals Despair" -

"Underwater in the Las Vegas Desert, Years After the Housing Crash" -

"Debt.  Terror.  Politics.  To Seattle Millenials, the Future Looks Scary" -

"Trump a Working Class Hero?  A Blue-Collar Town Debates His Credentials" -