Monday, November 18, 2013

Citizens United slide notes

The Citizens United slide notes from Monday, Nov. 18 are located here.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Gerrymandering slide notes

The gerrymandering slide notes from Friday, Nov. 15 can be found here.

Gerrymandering 101

Gerrymandering 101 can be found here.

5th period left off with 42:30 left in the movie.

8th period needs to start from the beginning.

Here's an article about Pennsylvania and Ohio:

Homework: Unit 4 readings

Friday, Nov. 15
War on Voting -

Florida voter suppression -

Saturday, Nov. 16
Supreme Court strikes down part of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 -

Sunday, Nov. 17
How Republicans Rig the Game -

Voting Rights at Risk in Georgia -

Monday, Nov. 18
Justices, 5-4, reject corporate spending limits -

How much has Citizens United changed the political game? -

Tuesday, Nov. 19
After 'Citizens United': The Attack of the Super PACs -